How Do i earn a college scholarship?

This is not always true. Less than 1% of all graduating high school athletes receive a Division I scholarship. While most colleges don’t have huge recruiting budgets to recruit everyone, many athletes chances of being discovered this way by college coaches are slim. This is why at RockSolid Sports Recruiting we bring the coaches to you. With our athlete-matching database we will have college coaches discovering who you are who would that never would have seen you before.
Questionnaires are not an indication of interest. Most colleges send up to 10,000 questionnaires every season for only 25 available scholarships. Always fill out each questionnaire, even if you have no intention of attending that college. Coach’s talk and character goes a long way.
College coaches cannot return your calls or email you. You are permitted to call as often as you like, and if you get a hold of the coach, he is then permitted to speak with you. Don’t be discouraged, the coaches are just following NCAA rules.
College coaches depend on verified information from reliable sources about prospects. Most coaches attend tournaments, games and camps with a list of student athletes they will evaluate, not with the hopes of discovering new prospects. More than 84% of Division I prospects are identified by the end of their sophomore and junior years. You need to be pro-active in getting your name, academic scores and athletic achievements in front of coaches as soon as you can. Make sure your athletic ability, recruiting information and academic qualifications have been verified by credible sources (coaches and academic counselors) that college coaches can trust.
The average high school coach has contact with fewer than five college coaches and most of them are your local state schools. Student-athletes and their families are ultimately responsible for connecting with college coaches. Don’t eliminate 99% of your options by relying solely on your high school or club coach. Have a clear understanding that you need be responsible for your recruiting process. Take ownership of your effort, and show as much desire in the recruiting process as you do in your sport!
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